What is SEO? It’s a term you have probably heard by now. it stands for “Search Engine Optimisation”. And these are more than just buzzwords. They are the glue that holds online marketing together, getting brands seen in a world that is more connected via the internet than ever before.
If it isn’t online, is it even real?
In the past, our main resources for knowledge were the library, TV and radio. And while these institutions haven’t disappeared yet, analogue has given way to digital and they have all adapted to the electronically driven world.
For the most part, radio and TV are streamed online and books have also become available electronically. And in the post-COVID-19 world, chances are, we’ll be spending even more time in the cloud in years to come.
So, the Worldwide Web is the new library, marketplace, news source and meeting place, where there are fewer limitations than there are in the physical world. But it can be an overwhelming place and it’s not always easy to stand out when there are millions of other businesses trying to do the same. That’s where SEO comes in.
An online presence is a must in out current climate. And SEO can make your business the star of the show.
What does it all mean?
SEO serves two purposes. First, it increases the quantity of traffic to your website. Second, it’s about quality. The quality is achieved because you have incorporated specific search terms into the wording on your website.
In other words, if you sell sports shoes in Johannesburg and you incorporate “Sports shoes Johannesburg” into the wording on your site, SEO will bring quality customers to you, who are specifically looking for sports shoes in Johannesburg on Google.
So, SEO is an organic process that increases traffic to your site, bringing the right people to you, based on what they want. It’s about more than just quantity. Quality customers are already interested in what you’re selling before they are directed to your site.
Words have power
The trick is, you can’t just throw a bunch of random words together and hope people will find your business; because once they get to your site, you need to add value so that they stay there and continue to engage with your brand.
The only way to do that, is to ensure that your content is engaging and relevant to your ideal customer. Once they’ve found your sports shoes, tell them all they need to know about the shoes while artfully working your SEO search keywords into the content.
This requires a bit of backwards engineering, in that you must anticipate the search terms customers are likely to enter in advance, and then tailor-make interesting content around those words. It’s a bit like a game of Jenga. All the pieces need to fit, or the entire tower will topple over.
Put your business on the map
Frenzii is a South African-based SEO firm with a team of specialists who understand the true meaning of SEO – for Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria and everywhere in between.
SEO services are both a science and an art. They require great writing that incorporates the right words in the right places, so that convincing storytelling about your brand gets you discovered online.
It’s really like investing in property in the real world, in that it’s all about “location, location, location!”. And SEO puts an attention-grabbing neon sign above your brand saying, “Come in!” to potential customers.
SEO is online real estate that gets the right traffic to support your business. And Frenzii delivers SEO marketing that will put your company on the map. Follow Frenzii on Facebook for regular updates or visit frenzii.co.za to find out more.